This post is just for making notes during my learning of Node.js through various courses and online material. This will be always a work in progress blog post
Node.js is an open source server side runtime environment, which is cross platform.It uses Javascript as its language
check node version
node --version
Making web request in Node we can make webrequest by using inbuilt http or by using ‘request’ example : For making web request by http
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example: Please note that there is no space between key and : while defining options
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Example: We can simply by giving GET . There is no need to close request since we are not going to send any more information to request
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Another option is
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Starting with Node.js and Express
Above command will create a package.json. Leave details are default or change accordingly
Above will install express and also add it as dependency in package.json
Above will create a app.js file. In package.json add below
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Now, if we run “npm start” from command line, it will run app.js
Package manager for web/front end. It is installed with NPM and have flat package hierarchy(doesnt install dependency underneath one level) .It works similar to NPM and have Bower.json for dependency managament.
Create a .bowerrc file and have project specific settings. Now move the components from bower_component to public folder defined earlier. update .bowerrc with below
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now run below
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It is a task manager for web projects. It have code based config. It is packaged base so that we can use different external packages
Mongo DB
- Install MongoDB from website
- mongoD is command for running server
- mongo is command for running another terminal for interacting with mongo db
- show dbs will show list of db
- Install MongoDB Node.js driver using NPM ```